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Published May 17, 2018
Published May 17, 2018
Deciem Instagram

For those in the beauty-know, following the results of the “total transparency” decision at Deciem has provided a master class in what not to do while running a multimillion-dollar company.

For those who haven’t been following, below is a quick list of founder Brandon Truaxe’s Must-Not-Do choices:

1. Saying “My Bad” Isn’t Enough. You Have to Make Good: Truaxe is quick to say he rushed formulations of his beauty products—that’s cool. Making the choice to discontinue said products in an Instagram post is another. Those who bought it and loved them felt simultaneously duped and betrayed. Lesson: We like you when you admit the mistake AND announce a plan to fix it.

2. It’s Better to Be a Good Boss than a Bad Friend: A phrase that consistently sends chills down my spine is “My son/daughter is my BEST friend.” Um … no. That generally ends in tears—with children who are baffled by shifting boundaries. The same occurred when Truaxe announced he didn’t want to be CEO anymore; he wanted to be known as a “Worker,” a decision which subsequent actions clearly demonstrated as more hocus pocus than focus. Lesson: it’s better to be a super-deluxe CEO than a CEO in “Worker” clothing.

3. (Over) Sharing Is Not Caring: Any post that begins “I was up all night ….” should not be sent. Ditto, posts necessitating ALL CAPS. Ditto, any missive that includes, “I was too busy. We were all too busy.” The same way no one wants a call girl/guy who complains how busy they have been elsewhere, we don’t want to hear how busy you are taking care of others rather than taking care of us. Lesson: Put the phone down. Get some sleep. You need rest and your followers do, too.


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