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Brook Harvey-Taylor Constantly Challenging Beauty's Status Quo

Published September 17, 2024
Published September 17, 2024
Andres Sosa

Brook Harvey-Taylor is a visionary founder, trailblazing a 100% vegan and cruelty-free brand leading innovation in clean beauty for 28 years. Her journey began with a bold vision to implement personal values of conscious living into the beauty industry, challenging the status quo by creating effective and ethical products made with natural ingredients at accessible price points. Leading with kindness and quality, Harvey-Taylor initiated a grassroots movement in the industry by carving out a new current pillared in ingenuity, community, and empathy.

Advocating for transparency and accountability since day one, Pacifica Beauty was clean before it became a mainstream trend. Operating under the unfaltering philosophy of compassionism, Pacifica Beauty embodies its guiding ethos of ”Beauty with a higher purpose.” Harvey-Taylor dared to reimagine what beauty could look like, reshaping the beauty industry by pioneering a brand built for the future.

Pacifica Beauty is committed to reducing its environmental footprint through thoughtful packaging solutions and ethical, 100% vegan, and cruelty-free ingredient sourcing. Fostering partnerships with organizations that champion animal advocacy, human rights, and environmental conservation, Pacifica Beauty uses its platform and voice to advocate for positive change by collaborating with notable foundations. More than just a brand, Harvey-Taylor has created a movement that empowers people to redefine beauty and make conscious choices that align with their values, thereby contributing to a more sustainable and ethical world.

BeautyMatter sat down with Brook Harvey-Taylor, the founder and CEO of Pacifica Beauty, and BeautyMatter 2024 Changemaker of the Year finalist.

What was the challenge or problem you identified that necessitated a change?   

When we started Pacifica 28 years ago, it wasn’t just because I personally couldn’t find what I wanted for myself. I started this brand because I saw a need to create something that could make the world a better place—for people, animals, and the planet. I saw that the industry could do a lot better, and I wanted to spark that change.

As a human, I’ve always believed in social justice through love. I really saw Pacifica as a brand that could stand for that. I wanted to provide better ingredients, reach more people in places they already loved, and market through love, not fear or shame. I wanted to stand up for people. To me, that is an act of social justice and defiance. Beauty should not be defined through a narrow, patriarchal lens—it should be defined by each of us, in any way we want, no matter who we are. And animals should not have to suffer for our beauty, nor should the planet bear the burden of its careless packaging. These ideals may seem mainstream now, but back in 1996, they were radical. We were just a couple of kids (my then-boyfriend, now-husband) living in Portland, Oregon, listening to Rage Against the Machine and dreaming of disrupting a whole giant industry.

If we get into the way back time machine, it’s kind of wild to think about a world where there was no Instagram, no TikTok, and really no Ulta or Sephora (at least not in Portland, Oregon). The concept of “clean beauty” didn’t even exist. There was a huge gap between the brands on the local health food store shelves, the big drugstore brands, and the big department store brands. It was nearly impossible to find products that were beautiful, felt special, AND used great natural ingredients, AND were vegan, AND performed, AND were affordable, AND smelled good. This was not a conversation that was happening in beauty. Although fringe brands were thinking about some of this, they just weren’t great products or weren’t what I considered to be beauty. The industry needed a shake up, and I wanted to be the one to do it. It was time to use better ingredients, better packaging, and start caring about humans, animals, and the planet. 

I will never forget walking into a huge beauty packaging supplier in 2013, surrounded by the packaging of big player brands, and asking “What do you have that can be recycled or is using PCR?" They handed me a mixed plastic lipstick container covered in paper and said, “People think this feels more sustainable.” But it was neither recyclable, nor used any PCR—it was just trash. It’s because of brands like Pacifica, and people like me who relentlessly pushed suppliers to do better, asked for PCR, and took risks to use PCR in the first place, that things have changed. Our tube supplier made us pay for their PCR experiments because, “You are the only brand asking.”  And so we did. We helped them figure out what percentage of PCR worked, even when tubes failed, so we could use PCR in our plastic tubes. Today, they use PCR in almost all their tubing for huge brands.

I also pushed fillers to use new ingredients. In 2012, we were dropped by a filler because they didn’t want to work with our “no list” anymore. They told me I was unreasonable for wanting to use a certain vegan wax in my mascara instead of beeswax or petro-based wax. That mascara went on to be one of our bestsellers and has become the base of so many clean mascara brands. Because let’s face it, in this industry we all piggyback on one another’s innovation. One brand’s breakthrough in a formula becomes the new standard. One day a huge brand’s CEO told me that our mascara was now their benchmark. I am super proud of that.

Creating change is a complex process, usually filled with hurdles. What drives your commitment to keep going? 

I am naturally a challenger, driven by a desire and a deep sense of responsibility to make the world better, for the planet, animals, and humans. Seeing the impact I have made in the beauty industry makes me want to keep going.  At my core, I am a caretaker in this life.

"Change doesn’t happen overnight, but with persistence, you can make a true impact."
By Brook Harvey-Taylor, founder + CEO, Pacifica Beauty

Creating change requires rallying consensus and motivating others to support the cause. How did you achieve this?

Ha, you are absolutely right. But honestly, I have to say that I have always been the type to grab a shield, charge into the battlefield, and trust that my team and others will follow and support my mission. That being said, I have learned in the last 28 years that we do have to rally others. Building a strong community around Pacifica Beauty has been essential. We actively engage with our customers, and really listen to them. By leading with our values, we’ve inspired others. Our passionate team and the authentic connections we’ve forged with our audience have been the driving force behind rallying support.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?   

There is a lot that I am proud of. But in our industry, what stands out is being part of the positive changes that have helped the industry have a smaller impact on our planet. I am also incredibly proud that Pacifica has been around for the last 28 years, driving those changes. I am just as excited to see what the next 28 years will bring!

BeautyMatter has a platform to amplify your work. How can our community support?  

The community can support by continuing to advocate for conscious and compassionate beauty. Share our mission, engage with our content, and give us feedback—your voice helps us grow and improve. Beyond that, championing responsibility in the beauty industry can spark broader, lasting change. Your voice matters—together, we can push the industry even further.

What advice would you give to others looking to make a difference?

Ok this might sound trite, but it's always been true for me: Stay positive. A vision, an intention, and the energy you put in, real, powerful forces. Stay true to your values and don’t give up. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but with persistence, you can make a true impact.

What excites you about the future of the industry?    

The future of the beauty industry excites me because there is a growing awareness and demand for better products. Innovations in green chemistry, more sustainable practices, better packaging options and initiatives like Ulta Beauty’s take back program are revolutionizing how we create and consume beauty products. The industry’s shift towards greater accountability is exciting, but what really keeps me motivated is WHAT IS NEXT! How much further can we push the boundaries? What is the next big innovation? What we did, what we set out to do, is being done. It’s table stakes in many ways. What is next for all of us? That’s what truly excites me.


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