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The Future of Valorization: A Sustainable Approach to Tomorrow's Cosmetics

Published May 5, 2024
Published May 5, 2024

White biotechnology, also known as white biotech, is gaining increasing importance in the research and development of products in the cosmetics sector. This branch of biotechnology focuses on the use of microorganisms and biological processes to produce active substances and ingredients aimed at improving the quality of skincare products. This approach not only offers technologically advanced results but also aligns with the growing interest in sustainability in the cosmetics sector. White biotechnology stands as a pivotal cornerstone in the realm of sustainability-oriented cosmetic research.

Biotechnological cosmetics, or biocosmetics, are based on the application of advanced scientific principles to develop products that meet the needs of the modern consumer, who is increasingly oriented towards eco-friendly choices.

At its core, white biotechnology offers a sustainable alternative to traditional cosmetic production methods by reducing reliance on finite resources and minimizing environmental impact. Through biofermentation and other biotechnological processes, it transforms renewable raw materials, such as agricultural by-products, into high-value cosmetic ingredients, thereby contributing to the circular economy. Moreover, white biotechnology aligns perfectly with the growing consumer demand for eco-conscious products. As consumers become increasingly aware of the environmental footprint of their purchases, they seek out cosmetics that are not only effective but also ethically and environmentally sound. White biotechnology answers this call by offering sustainable alternatives that meet both the performance and sustainability criteria of modern consumers.

Furthermore, the versatility of white biotechnology allows for the development of tailored solutions to address specific cosmetic challenges. Whether it's enhancing the efficacy of skincare formulations, improving the texture of haircare products, or increasing the longevity of color cosmetics, white biotechnology offers a diverse range of applications to meet the evolving needs of the cosmetic industry.

A tangible example of this application is biofermentation, a key process in the production of bioactive compounds for cosmetic and nutraceutical applications. This technique utilizes microorganisms to convert natural substrates, such as non-edible fractions of the agri-food chain, into high-value technological ingredients. ROELMI HPC, in line with its sustainability-focused research and development philosophy, has adopted biofermentation as a key innovation strategy in the cosmetics sector for several years now. White biotechnology, employed by ROELMI, involves the use of enzymes or bacteria from proprietary strains, and has been industrially consolidated downstream of production cycles (end-of-pipe technologies). Currently, these techniques are spreading as methods that enable the production of high-value products from renewable resources. In this context, the EquiBiotics line was born, featuring postbiotic ingredients derived from strains owned by SynBalance, a company within the ROELMI HPC group specializing in probiotics. L. rhamnosus DSM25568 and L. acidophilus DSM24936 are the precursors of two high-value post-biotic ingredients, capable of targeting specific requirements for certain cosmetic applications, thanks to their properties including resilience, resistance, and adaptability.

White biotechnology offers numerous advantages in terms of sustainability. Production based on microorganisms reduces the use of natural resources and greenhouse gas emissions, thereby contributing to environmental conservation. Furthermore, starting with by-products of organic matrices, such as those from agri-food chains, contributes effectively to the circular economy by valorizing resources that would otherwise be considered waste. These technological advancements not only offer more sustainable solutions but also meet the expectations of the modern consumer, who is increasingly attentive to the origin and environmental impact of the products they use. Sustainability, therefore, becomes an essential value in the choice of cosmetics, influencing purchasing decisions and guiding companies towards more eco-friendly practices. ROELMI HPC fits into this context as a pioneering company in the research and development of biotechnological cosmetic ingredients. Through its N.I.P. (Nature Is People) philosophy, the company demonstrates a concrete commitment to sustainability, seeking innovative approaches that respect the environment and ecosystem. The use of bio-based and biotech technologies, along with the valorization of supply chain by-products, reflects ROELMI HPC's commitment to offering cutting-edge cosmetic solutions while respecting the environment.

In conclusion, white biotechnology represents a crucial pillar in sustainability-oriented cosmetic research. Their application not only enables technologically advanced results but also aligns with the increasingly important values of the modern consumer. White biotechnology represents a transformative force in the cosmetic industry, driving innovation towards a more sustainable future. By leveraging the power of nature and advancing scientific knowledge, they pave the way for a new era of cosmetics that not only beautify but also respect and preserve the world around us. For our group, the valorization of resources is an art that transcends time, where ROELMI HPC stands as the custodian of a timeless legacy for future generations.