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Prose and Breezometer Tackle Environmental Scalp and Hair Health

Published March 31, 2022
Published March 31, 2022

Thousands of products addressing hair and scalp health are released every year, but little thought has been given to the external, rather than topical or nutritional, factors that affect consumers’ strands. For example, those living in industrial areas with higher pollution levels are more likely to experience hair loss.

DTC brand Prose, which offers AI-powered, customized products, has partnered with leading climate tech company BreezoMeter, a specialist in environmental data such as air quality, which previously studied the effects of our outside world on skin aging with L'Oréal. Prose and BreezoMeter will be exploring how air quality, climate, and smoke exposure specific to an individual’s surroundings can impact their follicular states in order to optimize the company’s made-to-order product offerings. 

“At Prose we are always working to enrich the overall customer experience with the highest quality formulas. We customize each and every product for the consumer and only use the highest quality natural ingredients, so we are thrilled to be able to partner with BreezoMeter to utilize their extensive data on geo-aggressors to inform the best possible formulas for customers across the US and Canada and continue to deliver the most personalized care,” comments Prose CMO Megan Streeter.

While customizable hair products have been on the rise in recent years, the nuance of air quality levels was unable to be determined by even the most extensive online survey. Prose’s online consultation will now incorporate BreezoMeter’s data on geo-aggressors according to the customer’s location, and thereby determine the optimal ingredients for the product formula. The former questionnaire already incorporated over 85 different factors, but with this additional data, it will enter the realm of hyper-customization. 

Prose and BreezoMeter also share a mission to combat climate change: the former by decreasing its greenhouse gas emissions, the latter by teaching consumers and businesses incremental operations and lifestyle changes to lessen their environmental footprint. “Prose’s integration of environmental intelligence into its consumer-facing process and haircare production is a great example of how companies can not only better engage their customers, but deliver real-life value based on what they learn,” states Ran Korber, CEO and founder of BreezoMeter. “Consumers are looking to purchase more from brands like Prose that have environmental missions that they actually support—and not just talk about.”


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