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Published November 30, 2016
Published November 30, 2016

We wrote a post last week about our hopes that a new trend was in the making, shifting the paradigm of Black Friday from decadent consumerism to one focused on doing good—certainly more in line with the spirit of the holiday. In the hopes of inspiring more brands and retailers to consider this strategy for 2017, we wanted to provide an update on how that played out for one brand. Patagonia’s strategy this year was a commitment to giving 100% of their global and online Black Friday sales to grassroots environmental nonprofits. Their consumers dubbed it a “fundraiser for the earth” and showed up ready to spend. The brand estimated sales for the day at $2 million. The actual sales were five times that projection. Patagonia had a record-breaking $10 million in sales on Black Friday.

If you had any questions on consumers’ willingness to make buying decisions that align with social responsibility, these results should put those doubts to rest. Bookmark this marketing initiative for your business’s holiday 2017 strategy. I’m fairly certain Patagonia will gladly entertain the competition of other brands doing good too. Patagonia’s record-breaking Black Friday strategy is a marketing and branding case study in consumer motivation and social responsibility.

Read the full story on Patagonia’s blog.


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